Ambar Distributors

AC Unit Service Lifespan

How To Extend Your A/C Unit Service Lifespan

An air conditioning unit is essential in every office building as it preserves a warm temperature during cold winter days and a cool environment during hot seasons. But what can you do to increase the A/C unit service lifespan? And why should you be interested in this? Well, air conditioning units are not that cheap, so maintaining your current unit should be a priority to save money and enjoy a comfortable temperature throughout the year.

If you want to learn more about air conditioning maintenance and how to make the most out of your unit then keep reading this article. You’ll discover a couple of interesting tips and tricks that will increase the lifespan of your A/C unit.

Ensure Proper Airflow From Indoor Vents

Cool air gets inside your office rooms through the airflow vents. However, these vents might become blocked or clogged and this will make the A/C unit run at a higher pace. Make sure that you regularly check the indoor vents and remove dust, debris, and other impurities that might block proper airflow. At the same time, make sure that no appliances, furniture items, or wall coverings are blocking the airflow vents. Move furniture items away if necessary and this will make your unit run optimally.

Don’t Skip Regular A/C Maintenance

A/C units should be serviced at regular intervals. The maintenance schedule is usually printed on the instructions manual that comes from the manufacturer. It’s important not to skip these maintenance checks because this might result in serious damage to your unit. In most cases, A/C units need to be serviced about twice a year, when the cold and warm seasons start. Keep up with the maintenance schedule and you will increase your A/C unit’s lifespan.

Keep the Outdoor Unit Clear and Free of Debris

Every air conditioning unit also comes with an outdoor device that ensures proper gas exchange while your device is running. Similar to the interior vents, the outdoor unit can also become clogged. This means that your A/C unit will have to work harder to maintain an appropriate indoor temperature and you’ll spend more money on your energy bill. Ensure that the outdoor unit is clear, free of debris, and free of obstacles at all times.

Use Window Coverings When Necessary

Covering the windows will indirectly increase the lifespan of your air conditioning unit. This should be done during hot summer days when plenty of sunlight gets inside your office rooms. Use special window coverings to deflect heat away from your office building. Other coverings also reduce UV rays and this means that your furniture items will not look faded. Preventing excessive heat from coming into your office rooms means that you will use the A/C unit less often and this will increase its lifespan. At Ambar Distributors, we specialize in offering a broad range of high-quality A/C units to businesses and regular consumers alike. We know that maintaining the right temperature in an office throughout the year is paramount for the success of every company. Contact one of our experts today and find out more about our air conditioning solutions for your particular business.